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App Layout

Simple helper around dmc MantineProvider component

Dash base layout

All apps using Dash-mantine must start from here to initialise Dash layout with Dash-Mantine. It also include the a top navbar and a bottom footer.

The only mandatory attribute is

  • stores: A list of tuple (store_name (used for the store id) /storage_type), used to initialize corresponding dcc Store. The Stores are placed in the root of the app, to ensure that they are accessible.

Optional attributes are:

  • main_color: The main color used for the app
  • colors: A dictionary of color pallet name (key) and dmc list of color values
  • header_height: the header height (default to 55)
  • footer_height: the footer height (default to 40)

Example of a dash app layout initialization

ecoact_colors = {'ecoact': ['#DDF5FF',

dash_app.layout = dash_base_layout(dash_stores, colors=ecoact_colors)