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App Headers

Helper components for creating an application header

Helper methods for creating a logo. Use by default a png image named logo that should be put into the app asset folder

def app_logo(logo_path: str = '/assets/logo.png',
             ratio: float = 570 / 128,
             width: str = '120px',
             style: dict[str, str] | None = None
             ) -> dmc.AspectRatio:
    Application logo component.
    style = style or {'margin-left': '10px', 'width': width}
    return dmc.AspectRatio(dmc.Image(src=logo_path),
                           ratio=ratio, style=style)

App title

Helper methods for creating a title. Go search by default for an environment variable named app_name

def app_title(app_name: str | None = None, color='white') -> html.Div:
    Application title component.
    app_name = app_name or os.getenv('app_name')
    return html.Div(dmc.Title(app_name, c=color, fz=32))

App header

Simple application header, composed of an app logo and title components.

def app_header(logo: html.Div, title: html.Div) -> dmc.GridCol:
    Application header, composed of an app logo and title components.
    return dmc.GridCol(span='auto',
                           dmc.Anchor(href='/', children=[
                               dmc.Group([logo, title],
                                         style={'margin-top': '5px'}),


App header

An example of such a component in a dash application