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Report value components

Simple helpers around dmc Text component.

Report value

Helper method to create a report value: a title, a value and an (optional) associated unit

def report_value(title: str,
                 value: str | int,
                 unit: str | None = None
                 ) -> html.Div:
    Renders a human readable (reportable) value
    if isinstance(value, (int, float)) or value.isnumeric():
        value = number_formatting(float(value))

    return html.Div(
                dmc.Text(title, fw=700, fz='16px', c='grey'),
                dmc.Text(value, fw=700, fz='16px'),
                dmc.Text(unit, fz='14px', fs='italic')


Report value

An example of such a component in a dash application