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Card components

Simple helpers around dmc Card related components

Background card

Helper method to generate a Card:

def background_card(children: list[dmc.CardSection | html.Div],
                    style: dict[str, str] | None = None,
                    className: str = '',
                    card_id: str = ''
                    ) -> dmc.Card:
    Returns a formatted dmc.Card
    return dmc.Card(children, radius='md', shadow='sm', style=style or DEFAULT_STYLE,
                    className=className, id=card_id)


Background card

An example of such a component in a dash application

Card title

def card_title(title: str,
               size: int = 16,
               title_id: str = '',
               color: str = 'white',
               font: str = 'Averta',
               align: str = 'left',
               background_color: str = '#97BDD3'
               ) -> dmc.CardSection:
    Returns a standardised format of dmc.Text
    return card_section(dmc.Text(title, fz=size, fw=900, c=color, ff=font, ta=align, id=title_id,
                                 bg=background_color, p=10))


Card title

An example of such a component in a dash application

Card section

def card_section(children: Any, graph: bool = False) -> dmc.CardSection:
    Returns a formatted dmc.CardSection from passed dmc.Text
    return dmc.CardSection(children,
                           style={'height': '100%', 'width': '100%'} if graph else {})

Macro info

def macro_info(text: str | float,
               color: str = '#A0AEC0',
               size: int = 32,
               text_id: str = ''
               ) -> dmc.Text:
    Returns a formatted dmc.Text element from a string
    return dmc.Text(text, c=color, fz=size, fw=700, id=text_id)


Macro info

An example of such a component in a dash application


def kpi(icon: str,
        text: str,
        tooltip: str | None = None,
        c: str = '#A0AEC0',
        fz: int = 24,
        fw: int = 700) -> dmc.Card:
    Render a KPI card
    return dmc.Card([dmc.Group([
        DashIconify(icon=icon, width=25),
        dmc.Tooltip(dmc.Text(text, c=c, fz=fz, fw=fw), label=tooltip)

    ])], bg='rgb(247, 248, 249)')



An example of such a component in a dash application