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Send emails

Ecodev-core provides a generic method to send emails.

In order for it to work, one has to specify the following environment variables:

  • email_smtp: the smtp address of your smtp provider ( for gmail for instance
  • email_sender: the email address to be used to send emails.
  • email_password: the email_sender password. Documentation on how to do it via gmail.

Once this is done, the method signature looks like so:

send_email(email: str, body: str, topic: str, images: Dict[str, Path]) -> None:


  • email is the email address to which to send the email
  • body is the mail body to send. This can be a html file rendered with Jinja2
  • topic: is the email title
  • images: if any, the Dict of image tags:image paths to incorporate in the email