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Pandas helpers

Simple helper methods related to pandas


If you ever pull your hair out with None values converted to np.nan when stored on disk by pandas to_csv, causing issues when comparing two dataframes, then pd_equals is for you. It is meant to compare a stored csv from a one in memory, and does so by writing and reading the latter to have the same funky conversion for both.

Of course the real solution would be to use the converters option from read_csv (look the official documentation. ), but it can be quite tedious and frankly overkill for tests.

# test pd_equals method (subtlety of None np.Nan that imposes to write on/read from disk)
df = pd.DataFrame.from_dict({'a': [1], 'b': None})
self.assertTrue(pd_equals(df, TEST_FILE) is None)


As for pd_equals, converting a pandas serie to something that is json acceptable can be useful.

Simple example

# test jsonify_series (subtlety of None/np.Nan)
df = pd.DataFrame.from_dict({'a': [1, 2], 'b': [np.nan, 2]})
self.assertDictEqual(jsonify_series(df['b']), {0: None, 1: 2.0})


Takes an input file, inserted through a front interface such as FastApi or a dcc.Upload component in Dash and returns a pd.ExcelFile object

Simple example

# test get_excelfile 
xl = get_excelfile(load_json_file(TEST_FILE.parent / 'str_parsing.json')['data'])


Checks if a list of columns are in a pd.DataFrame and drops only the subset which has been found, preventing any errors

Simple example

# test safe_drop_columns 
df = pd.DataFrame({'a': [1, 2, 3], 'b': [None, None, None]}
pd.testing.assert_frame_equal(safe_drop_columns(df, ['b']), df.drop(columns='b')
pd.testing.assert_frame_equal(safe_drop_columns(df, ['c']), df)


If you ever struggled with null values, that can take multiple forms None, np.nan, NaN,... this function is made for you as it will try different representation of a null value and return a bool

Simple example

# test is_null 


If you want to get a value of a pd.Series based on a column name when iterating over a pd.DataFrame, but you don't know if the column is actually in the pd.DataFrame beforehand, you can use get_value to get the value if the column exist (and apply a transformation function or transform it into an enum) else None. An equivalent to dict.get() for pandas.

Simple example

# test get_value 
df = pd.DataFrame({'a': [1, 2, 3], 'b': [None, None, None]})

self.assertEqual(get_value('a', intify, df.iloc[0]), 1)
self.assertEqual(get_value('c', intify, df.iloc[0]), None)