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DB Retrieval

Helper methods to retrieve/count data from DB


Simple class used for server side data retrieval.

Attributes are:

  • col_name: the name as it will appear on a frontend interface showing the field
  • field_name: the SQLModel attribute name associated with this field (TODO: explain the use in the context of ecodev-front. Should be removed in the future, fetch it via field)
  • field: the SQLModel attribute associated with this field
  • filter: the filtering mechanism to use for this field (more on filtering in the filtering page)

To see more on its use, you can go inspect the test suite


Quite often when you store data in DB, you want to retrieve them 😆.

get_rows helps you to do so

def get_rows(fields: List[ServerSideField],
             model: Any,
             limit: Union[int, None] = None,
             offset: Union[int, None] = None,
             filter_str: str = '',
             search_str: str = '',
             search_cols: Optional[List] = None,
             fields_order: Optional[Callable] = None
             ) -> pd.DataFrame:

Its attributes are:

  • fields: a list of ServerSideField used to filter each column of the passed model
  • model: the SQLModel on which to do the DB request
  • limit: if filled, limit the number of elements fetched
  • offset: if filled, put an offset before fetching elements. More in the official SQLModel documentation
  • filter_str: if filled, filter the model based on it. The syntax is taken from Dash datatable filtering, to ease plug with it. Go see the test suite to larn more.
  • search_str: if filled, corresponds to a textual (regex like) seach on search_cols
  • search_cols: the DB columns of model on which to search for search_str
  • fields_order: The order on which to return the fetched data (sort on this column, then this one...)

The data are returned as a dataframe (simple to directly plug on Dash table components, being it data table or Dash AG Grid)


In the same spirit as get_rows, allows to easily count element from SQLModel associated table.

Its attributes are:

  • fields: a list of ServerSideField used to filter each column of the passed model
  • model: the SQLModel on which to do the DB request
  • limit: if filled, limit the number of elements fetched
  • filter_str: if filled, filter the model based on it. The syntax is taken from Dash datatable filtering, to ease plug with it. Go see the test suite to larn more.
  • search_str: if filled, corresponds to a textual (regex like) seach on search_cols
  • search_cols: the DB columns of model on which to search for search_str

Example (go read the filtering page as well):

# test that the count_rows method works as intended, assuming we inseted 3 users admin, client and monitoring) 
APP_FILTER = ServerSideField(col_name='user', field_name='user', field=AppUser.user,
self.assertTrue(count_rows([APP_FILTER], AppUser) == 3)
self.assertTrue(count_rows([APP_FILTER], AppUser, filter_str='{user} scontains o') == 1)