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DB Insertion

Helpers for upserting data.


Usually called in a post route eating a fastapi UploadFile, either synchronously or asynchronously (with fastapi BackgroundTask ) a pd.DataFrame of pd.ExcelFile.

Arguments are:

  • df_or_xl: the data to insert, converted from UploadFile to a pandas object with get_raw_df
  • session the db session. See here for more information on session.
  • insertor: a Callable, eating the two previous arguments and inserting the data into db.
  • background_tasks: if provided, does the insertion in the background in an asynchronous manner.


A class helping to perform insertions. Attributes are:

  • reductor: how to create or update a row in db

example for AppUser

 def user_reductor(in_db_row: AppUser,  db_row: AppUser) -> AppUser:
  Update an existing in_db_row with new information coming from db_row
  in_db_row.permission = db_row.permission
  in_db_row.password = db_row.password
  return in_db_row
  • db_schema: the default constructor of the sqlmodel based class defining the db table. Example for AppUser: AppUser 😊

  • selector: the criteria on which to decide whether to create or update (example: only add a user if a user with the same name is not already present in the db) Example for AppUser

    def user_selector(db_row: AppUser) -> SelectOfScalar:
      Criteria on which to decide whether creating a new row or updating an existing one in db
      return select(AppUser).where(col(AppUser.user) == db_row.user)

  • convertor: how to convert the raw csv/excel passed by the user to json like db rows. Example for AppUser

    def user_convertor(df: pd.DataFrame) -> List[Dict]:
      Dummy user convertor
      return [x for _, x in df.iterrows()]

  • read_excel_file: whether to insert data based on an xlsx (if true) or a csv (if false)

Example to insert AppUser can be found in the tests test suite

But basically, all one needs to do is to define

from fastapi import FastAPI
from fastapi import status
from fastapi import UploadFile
from sqlmodel import Session
from fastapi import Depends
from ecodev_core import is_admin_user
from ecodev_core import get_session
from ecodev_core import AppUser
from fastapi import File
from ecodev_core.db_insertion import insert_file

app = FastAPI()
USER_INSERTOR = Insertor(convertor=user_convertor, 
          status_code=status.HTTP_201_CREATED, response_model=None)
async def user_insert(*, file: UploadFile = File(...),
                      user: AppUser = Depends(is_admin_user),
                      session: Session = Depends(get_session),
                      ) -> None:
    Insert seed ClimateFactor, System and Sector data
    await insert_file(file, USER_INSERTOR, session)

More on insert_file in the next sections


Inserts a csv/df into a database

Attributes are:

  • df_or_xl: the data to insert, converted from UploadFile to a pandas object with get_raw_df
  • session the db session. See here for more information on session.
  • insertor: an Insertor, as defined here


Simple wrapper around insert_data and get_raw_df

async def insert_file(file: UploadFile, insertor: Insertor, session: Session) -> None:
    Inserts an uploaded file into a database
    df_raw = await get_raw_df(file, insertor.read_excel_file)
    insert_data(df_raw, insertor, session)


Convert a passed file: UploadFile to a pandas object, either excel or csv given the passed read_excel_file: bool. If read_excel_file is False, sep: str = ',' can be specified to correctly read the csv embbeded in the UploadFile