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App Right

For advanced application, a user can have specified access rights richer than just what permission would presume.

For instance in a web app, some clients could be allowed to see certain pages, but not others.

This is handled in ecodev_core via the AppRight class, in one to many (not to be confused with one too many, usually late in a bar 😁) relationship with AppUser (meaning a user can have several rights. )

AppRight code

AppRight is a simple SQLModel descendant

from typing import Optional
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING

from sqlmodel import Field
from sqlmodel import Relationship
from sqlmodel import SQLModel

if TYPE_CHECKING:  # pragma: no cover
    from ecodev_core.app_user import AppUser

class AppRight(SQLModel, table=True):  # type: ignore
    Simple right class: listing all app_services that a particular user can access to
    __tablename__ = 'app_right'
    id: Optional[int] = Field(default=None, primary_key=True)
    app_service: str
    user_id: Optional[int] = Field(default=None, foreign_key='')
    user: Optional['AppUser'] = Relationship(back_populates='rights')


  • id is a self explanatory field, the primary key of the app_right table.
  • app_service is the service granted to the associated user. It could be a web page, an action in a page, accessing a specific data source...
  • user_id defines the foreign key (which is the AppUser primary key)
  • user is a convenience offered by SQLModel, only available inside a session. More on the relationship fields here

AppRight creations

As of 2024/01, we mainly setup app rights manually in a pgadmin interface, but we hope to add a generic page in ecodev-app to allow for a simple process to add rights.

AppRight uses

We usually use the get_app_services method


Feeding get_app_services with a AppUser and a session returns the list of app_services the user has access to

from sqlmodel import Session
from ecodev_core import engine
from ecodev_core import select_user
from ecodev_core import get_app_services

with Session(engine) as session:
    admin_services = get_app_services(select_user('admin', session), session)

More on select_user here.

We then use these services to grant or deny access to a specific web page, or to filter on a column of a table. We are confident you can put AppRight to some use!