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Keycloak authentication

At EcoAct, we prefer when our applications are responsible for both authentication and authorization (simpler given our small scale). But it happens from time to time when an app is not able to provide for these, especially when it has not been coded by us 😁.

A good example of this is jupyter notebooks, that in its basic form does not come (to the best of our knowledge) with a fine-grained authentication/authorization mechanism.

To circumvent this limitation, we use keycloak, alongside with the traefik forward-auth middleware.


here we clearly see the limits of the homemade approach. A managed jupyter service would be a judicious choice to consider 😊.

Setting up the keycloak stack

There is no sense in setting up locally keycloak, we thus just present the production setup.

All relevant information can be found in the docker-compose.keycloak.yml file (here).

You will need to create a .keycloak.env file and setting for keycloak

  • DB_ADDR: should be db (the postgresql database is used for keycloak)
  • DB_VENDOR: should be POSTGRES
  • DB_DATABASE: name of the database inside db
  • DB_USER: the authorized user for db (see POSTGRES_USER in postgresql)
  • DB_PASSWORD: password associated with DB_USER (see POSTGRES_PASSWORD in postgresql)
  • DB_SCHEMA: should be public
  • KEYCLOAK_USER: username to accesss (with admin right) to keycloak web interface
  • KEYCLOAK_PASSWORD: password associated with KEYCLOAK_USER
  • PROXY_ADDRESS_FORWARDING: put true. This is required to run keycloak behind traefik
  • keycloak_url: entry to the DNS address you created in order to reach the keycloak web interface.
  • KEYCLOAK_HOSTNAME: put the same value as in keycloak_url

You can then launch for a first time

make keycloak-launch

Once in the keycloak web interface, pick admin console, you should be in the (default) realm called master. Create a new client like so

Create a new client

Create a new client

secret key used to generate JWT tokens

Create a secret key used to generate JWT tokens

Fill client settings (part 1)

Fill client settings (part 1)

Fill client settings (part 2)

Fill client settings (part 2)

Then in the .keycloak.env, fill the needed traefik forward auth environment variables

  • PROVIDERS_OIDC_CLIENT_ID: see above screenshot (client/app to protect)
  • DEFAULT_PROVIDER: put oidc
  • SECRET: see above screenshot
  • PROVIDERS_OIDC_CLIENT_SECRET: see above screenshot (same as SECRET)
  • OIDC_ISSUER: see above screenshot and put URL/auth/realms/master. URL is the DNS address you created in order to reach the application you want to protect.
  • AUTH_HOST: see above screenshot and put URL/_oauth
  • COOKIE_DOMAIN: the domain name of URL (like for this very website)

In the stack of the app you want to protect, you will need to add in the labels section

- traefik.http.routers.jupyter-https.middlewares=traefik-forward-auth

Finally, you can stop and relaunch the app you want to protect and

make keycloak-launch

The app should be protected by keycloak! 😊