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minio is a self-hosted solution that allows one to

  • mimic the AWS S3 API standard
  • renders all applications that store data thanks to it stateless (no need to mount volumes anymore! 😊)

Very useful to test S3 like interaction in a local dev environment!

Setting up the minio stack

All relevant information can be found in the docker-compose.minio.yml file (here).

Production mode

Remember that you need to setup traefik when in production before launching this stack. Go read the traefik page if not already done.

All relevant information can be found in the docker-compose.minio.yml file (here ).

To start the stack in production, you can make use of the Makefile provided in the repo (make help) to list available commands.

To use it you will need to create one folder in the folder containing docker-compose.minio.yml

  • s3_data

you will need to create a .minio.env file and setting

  • minio_url entry to the DNS address you created in order to reach the minio interface (minio_frontend).
  • admin_minio_url: entry to the DNS address you will call to programatically access minio (minio_backend)
  • MINIO_ROOT_USER: the username to connect to either minio_frontend of minio_backend.

You can then safely launch

make minio-launch

minio will be accessible at minio_url. You can create a bucket in 2/3 (very user-friendly 😊) clicks.

Example to programmatically access a csv_file csv from the minio interface (in bucket)

import boto3
import pandas as pd
ECLR_S3 = boto3.session.Session().resource(
df = pd.read_csv(ECLR_S3.Object(bucket_name='bucket',


Ideally we would have preferred to have just one minio service. While it worked for very old minio images (like... Very old. More than 2.5 years, when MINIO_ROOT_USER and MINIO_ROOT_PASSWORD was not the way to set up credentials), we never managed to make it work for more recent minio image😭. If you think you know how to do it, do not hesitate to contact us! 🥰


we plan to release a library related to S3 read/write helper methods for exotic file formats. Stay tune! 😊

Local dev mode

In this case you will make use of the additional docker-compose.minio.override.yml file. Here you will set in your .env MINIO_ROOT_USER and MINIO_ROOT_PASSWORD plus

  • minio_port: the local port on which you want to access to the minio web interface. If not set, 9000 is taken by default.

Then launch

make minio-dev-launch

minio web interface will be accessible at