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Ecoact CDA team uses ElasticSearch as its search engine.

This tool allows to index documents and apply near real-time full-text search on those indexed documents. We only use this tool but a full elastic stack could also includes its associated analytics platform, Kibana

Setting up the es-db stack

All relevant information can be found in the docker-compose.elasticsearch.yml file (here).

Production mode

To start the stack in production, you can make use of the Makefile provided in the repo (make help) to list available commands.

you will need to create a .env file and setting

  • ELASTIC_PASSWORD: the password associated with the elastic user
  • ES_MEM_LIMIT: the total memory assigned to the ElasticSearch container.
  • ES_PORT: the port on which the container can be reached
  • ES_DATA: the path where elastic search data will be stored

You can then safely launch

make es-launch