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Dozzle is a log aggregation tool. It also allows to do basic search on these logs. The main advantage when compared to the numerous competitors (ElasticSearch stack with logstash, logspout...) is its ridiculously simple setup, plus it's smooth UI/UX experience (do one thing but does it well).

Setting up the dozzle stack

Dozzle being directly plugged (like traefik) to the docker engine running on the host VM, there is not much to do to set it up.

All relevant information can be found in the docker-compose.dozzle.yml file ( here).


direct plugin comes in the mounted volume /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock:ro. In addition, there are two optional and one mandatory environment variables that you can put inside a .dozzle.env file:

  • DOZZLE_ENABLE_ACTIONS (optional) controls wether the dozzle web interface is allowed to rstart/stop containers. It is false by default
  • DOZZLE_NO_ANALYTICS (optional) controls whether anonymous information are sent to google analytics or not. It is true by default. This helps dozzle creator to prioritize new feature, but disactivate it if full privacy is a concern.
  • dozzle_url (mandatory) corresponds to the DNS address you created in order to reach the dozzle interface

To start the stack in production, you can make use of the Makefile provided in the repo (make help) to list available commands. Launch

make dozzle-launch

Then you can go to dozzle_url. The web interface is so simple to use that explanations are barely needed! 😲

Would you need more information, consult the official documentation.