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PostgreSQL and pgAdmin

Ecoact CDA team uses PostgreSQL as its SQL database, alongside with pgAdmin to have admin access and handling of data.

If you know nothing about SQL (unlikely but hey, everybody has the right to start somewhere! 😊), you can learn by playing here 😅.

If you want to have a bird eye view of common SQL use cases when working with python, the SQLModel documentation is as often an awesome resource.

Setting up the db stack

All relevant information can be found in the docker-compose.yml file (here).

Production mode

Remember that you need to setup traefik when in production before launching this stack. Go read the traefik page if not already done.

To start the stack in production, you can make use of the Makefile provided in the repo (make help) to list available commands.

To use it you will need to create one folder in the folder containing docker-compose.yml

  • db_data


The db container will itself handle user/group profile on this folder. You might see a funky 70 user, not listed in /etc/group. This is normal, it corresponds to a user inside the db container, unknown to the host VM (technical parenthesis that gave us some headache at some point closed 😂)

you will need to create a .env file and setting

  • pgadmin_url entry to the DNS address you created in order to reach the pgadmin interface.
  • POSTGRES_DB: the db name to which your application will connect to
  • POSTGRES_USER: the user authorized to connect to POSTGRES_DB
  • POSTGRES_PASSWORD: the password associated to POSTGRES_USER
  • PGADMIN_DEFAULT_EMAIL: the username to connect to the pgAdmin web interface (accessible at pgadmin_url)
  • PGADMIN_DEFAULT_PASSWORD: the password to connect to the pgAdmin web interface (accessible at pgadmin_url)

You can then safely launch

make db-launch

pgAdmin will be accessible at pgadmin_url

Local dev mode

In this case you will make use of the additional docker-compose.override.yml file. Here you will set in your .env all parameters of the previous section (bare pgadmin_url, since traefik is not used locally) plus - pgadmin_port: the local port on which you want to access to pgAdmin. If not set, 5050 is taken by default.

Then launch

make db-dev-launch

pgAdmin will be accessible at