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Pre-commit hooks

You can find the pre-commit hook file

Aside from the choice of not using ruff (Default configuration not adapted to our taste), the last hook is a home made one ("compliment de la maison" 😂)

-   repo: local
    -   id: check_dependencies
        name: check_dependencies
        entry: docker exec ecodev_app python3.11 -c "from ecodev_core import check_dependencies; from pathlib import Path;
            exit(not check_dependencies(Path('/app/app'), Path('/app/app/assets/dependencies.txt')))"
        language: system

it makes use of ecodev-core helper methods to ensure that no circular references are created at the regroupment of module level (you do not want your domain model to depend on your dash pages for instance 😅).

To edit the authorized dependencies as you see fit, just edit this configuration file.

Dependency example

The out of the box dependencies enforced in ecodev-app