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Simple layout

Simple layout

Simple page layout

The default way to create pages. Should normally be as simple as

import dash_mantine_components as dmc
from dash import Input
from dash import Output
from dash import callback
from dash import html
from dash import register_page
from ecodev_front import TOKEN

from app.components.page_helpers import generic_page
from app.pages.layouts import SIMPLE_PAGE_ID
from app.pages.layouts import SIMPLE_PAGE_URL

register_page(__name__, path=SIMPLE_PAGE_URL)

layout = [html.Div(id=SIMPLE_PAGE_ID)]

@callback(Output(SIMPLE_PAGE_ID, 'children'),
          Input(TOKEN, 'data'))
def simple_page_layout_example(token: dict):
    Example of a simple page
    page = dmc.Container(['This is a simple page'])

    return generic_page(token, page)

See rendering above