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Dash module

This is the main entry point for the frontend web interface. You should not interact that often with this technical, but suffices to say that you find there

  • The logic to initially create the tables inside the postgresql instance
  • The logic to connect to the app.
  • The logic to create initial user(s). Go re-read the ecodev-app intro documentation introduction to see one way to create the initial user(s).
  • The logic to define the app colors. Edit APP_COLORS as you see fit!
  • The logic to be in debug mode or nor for the dash app. Controlled by the DEBUG flag setup via env variables. Go re-read the ecodev-app intro
  • documentation introduction if needs be.
  • The logic to use either uvicorn or gunicorn. Controlled by the DASH_APP_SETTINGS.gunicorn_setup flag setup via env variables.


We found scarcely few documentation on how to use gunicorn with dash. For this to work implied for us

  • Using from flask import Flask and then create the Dash app with the Flask(__name__) instance
  • Instanciate the Dash app like so
    if __name__ == '__main__':
        dash_app.run_server(host='', port=80)
  • in the docker-compose.yml file, call
    command: gunicorn app.dash_app:server --workers 4 --worker-class gevent  --bind
    gevent is the best thing we found to work with workers for Dash. You can obviously change the number of workers as you see fit.


With gunicorn long (>30s dash callbacks with timeout. You should handle long callbacks in another fashion (which presumably will improve the UX of your application anyway 😋). You can call your backend and use a Fastapi

BackgroundTasks there, go nuts with Celery... Sky is the limit 😋.